Pictures for you!

 Hello everyone! I have been busy this week getting the Facebook and Twitter set up for the studio. Oh, I am so excited about all my projects going on I figured I would put up today some of my past projects for you to check out. Maybe get those creative juices flowing! So following is some of my favorite work for a few different games. I will tell you their names and games under each picture.
Lord Chompy Bits, Malifaux. 

Jack Daw, Malifaux

Miss Molly Squidpidge, Malifaux

Gencon Special Teddy Malifaux. I modified him a little bit.

One of Several Marionetts for Collodi, Malifaux

A quick aside, expect my next game I show off to be Malifaux, it is one of my all time favorite.  The flavor of the game really hits the spot for me. If you can't wait that long go check 'em out at their website (found at the bottom of the page).

Practice for Magic the Gathering

Magic the Gathering

Magic the Gathering

Magic the Gathering, Actually my favorite card alter to date. So cute!
 Well there you have it! These were a lot of fun to work on, but don't expect me to stop there. I will be posting more projects and things in the works along with showing off sweet games here and on the new facebook and twitter! All relevant links below! I know today was kinda short writing wise but dont you worry, more awesome games to come! Hope everyone has a good day, and happy gaming. Malifaux!


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